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TE PRO v1.1.2 released
  • Added option to delete new submitted websites (if sites validation set to manually on Control panel > Settings).
  • Pagination bug has been fixed.
  • Added to admin: The option for admins to log out from the control panel.
  • Fixed PayPal bug.
  • Fixed 404 error page not redirecting properly.
  • Added ability to find out how many sites has surfed each day by users. (Control panel > Members). 
  • Added personal info to user profile settings (username, e-mail, registered date and account type).
  • Google Analytics bug fixed. (You may now add Google Analytics code correctly).
  • Multiple languages has been improved, now you can set default language from the Control Panel. (Control panel > Settings).
  • Fixed error in activation e-mail after registration.
  • Surf page was improved, now user won't get points if surfpage closed or websites are not displayed properly.
  • Statistics system was added on the main page which shows you number of users, active websites and delivered hits.
  • Some minor changes and fixes.
In case you want to say thank you, we'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on Traffic Exchange PRO page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.
Well done admin, keep up the great work as always! Big Grin
Looks promising. You have made many necessary improvements. Good job. Thank you!

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