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Profile.php error
It looks like if there are two users from the same country, there is an error in profile.php:

DB Error: mySQL Error on Query : SELECT name,abbr FROM `countries` WHERE abbr = (SELECT `country` FROM `users` WHERE `country`='IE')
More Information:

    Mysql Error : 1242
    Mysql Error no # : Subquery returns more than 1 row
    Referer: 1
    Script: /profile.php

Thank you for reporting. The issue is fixed, download script again from the customer area and re-upload /profile.php file.

Best Regards!
In case you want to say thank you, we'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on Traffic Exchange PRO page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Problem solved.

Best Regards

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