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1. I still can surf one website multiple times within and hour. You have access to my website, so please, try.
2. Can you add a Begin and Stop or Pause surfing button on the Earn Points page so that surfing would begin only after a hit Begin Surfing button and stop when I hit Stop or Pause?
3. Lengthy links go beyond the container box...see file attached.  

Thank you. Great script!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
+1 Would be really nice to be able to control autosurf page using pause and play buttons.

1. Yes, you're right, there is a little bug prevent one visit for each IP address by 24 hours. Fixed, download script again from the customer area and re-upload surf.php file.
2. Controls play and pause will be added in the next update.
3. We are testing demo and everything seems to be working fine, perhaps due to a custom changes you have made in the CSS/HTML file.

Thank you!
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