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Hide Referrer

The "Hide Referrer" option still does not work.
I have two Premium users (one of them also bought some points) and they used "Hide Referrer" option.
The problem is that the sites they add are not loading correctly

Here's only one example that generates a 404 page:

In functions i have:

function noReferrer($strUrl)
  return "".urlencode($strUrl);

In surf.php I have :

    }else if($surfing_site['referer'] == '1') {
        $url = noReferrer($surfing_site['url']);

What is wrong?

If you have a dereferrer script that I could run on one of my domains to make things work it would be great, or any other solution that would make "Hide Referrer" to work well.

Best Regards!

Thank you for reporting. The issue is fixed, download script again from the customer area and re-upload /public_html/surf.php file.

Best Regards!
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