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Google Analytics code
1.  I am trying to add Google analytics code but when I try to save I receive error Query Failed. 
How do I fix it?

2. How do I put my logo image in the header?


1. We checked and everything seems to be working fine. Anyway, send me a PM with your FTP login credentials + PhpMyAdmin or cPanel access.

2. You can change the default logo text on lang/lang.en.php. However, if you would like to add logo image, follow the instructions below:

First of all, open header.php file

PHP Code:
<a href="index.php"><span><?echo $lang['SITE_LOGO'];?></span> <?echo $lang['SLOGAN'];?></a> 

Replace with:
<a href="index.php"><img src="themes/tes/images/logo.png" alt="Traffic Exchange PRO" /></a>

Best Regards!
In case you want to say thank you, we'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on Traffic Exchange PRO page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.
Thank you.

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