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I would like to suggest two absolutely necessary improvements:

1. If is possible in admin dashboard I'd like to see next to each user, how many websites surfed in total.
I did something as you see in attached image.
I want to give a bonus to the best surfer and now is impossible, because I don't now how many websites surfed each user.

2. Users to be able to see the number of hits received for each site they added

Thank you in advance
[Image: Admin_dahboard.jpg]

Thank you for your suggestions.

1. Will be added in a future release.
2. This feature already exists under My sites page section, and users are able to see how many hits received for each websites added.

Best Regards!
In case you want to say thank you, we'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on Traffic Exchange PRO page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Yes indeed, my second suggestion already exist. My mistake.
I have moore Smile

The ability to edit the site in terms of changing the number of points assigned, temporarily stopping or changing the time.

Geo Targeting so the manager can see if a user has a certain preference. I could use a VPN service if a user would have such a preference, receive visits from a certain area of the world.
I trust that this script will evolve and will be among the best.

Thank you again for your suggestions.

Actually, we are working to add many features in the future updates by collecting new ideas and suggestions from our new customers. However, post your request on our Feature Requests forum section, and if enough members vote for your request, we will implement it in a future release.

Best Regards!
In case you want to say thank you, we'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on Traffic Exchange PRO page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

I have a question. How it works affiliate commission? It is  a percent or ...
Thank you.

Best Regards
Hello again

Another issue.

I tested upgrade and purchase points using a card and two different PayPal accounts. No change. The user did not receive the points and upgrade the account.
In Admin-Dashboard-Sales-Manage Payments absolutely nothing. No alert. No change. Nada.


1. For every member who joins your website through affiliate link, they will receive a bonus of points you have set on the Control Panel.
2. We checked and everything works fine. Do you have a Business PayPal Account?

Let us know. Thank you!
In case you want to say thank you, we'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on Traffic Exchange PRO page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.
(02-28-2018, 01:21 AM)Admin Wrote: Hello,

1. For every member who joins your website through affiliate link, they will receive a bonus of points you have set on the Control Panel.
2. We checked and everything works fine. Do you have a Business PayPal Account?

Let us know. Thank you!


The payment works fine. I get a message that the payment was done, for points and upgrade as well, but database was not updated. There is nothing changed in "Manage Payments"  and the user status is not changed.
I belive it should be a difference between a freemium user and a premium user.
I tried twice, four payments in total, two for upgrade and two for points.
Second time I changed :
define("DEBUG", 1); with define ("DEBUG", 0);
define("USE_SANDBOX", 1); with define("USE_SANDBOX", 0);
in all these files ipn.php, ipn_points.php,ipn_premium.php , but no changes in dashboard or in user status. No message, nothing.


Thank you for reporting your issue.

Actually, user are updated and receive points or premium upgrade. The issue was only on the payments history. Anyway, the issue was fixed and I've sent you a PM how to fix it.

A new update will be released in few days and PayPal will be fixed for other customers.

Best Regards!
In case you want to say thank you, we'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on Traffic Exchange PRO page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Thank you for message.
I make the changes and I try again soon.

Best regards


I made the changes. I double checked. Nothing in admin dashboard, nothing in user page, nothing in db.
Sorry to bother you, but payment module is very important. It should work .


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